The Armor of the Enslaved

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The Armor of the Enslaved

Yh-Sabahal's armor is invested with the powers of the most powerful lictors who ever served the Despot. The demon summoned to forge this armor was fused with its creation by a ritual. The entity enslaved by this artifact has the faculty to attract and temporarily accumulate the demonic essence of the Mid-Nor dwarves who disincarnate in its vicinity, thus strengthening its own solidity.

A counter is placed on his card every time a friendly fighter with the <Possessed> ability on his reference card is eliminated (KILLED OUTRIGHT, removed from the game, etc.) within a radius of 10 cm around Yh-Sabahal and at the same level as him. The Demonic Satyr eliminated using Yh-Sabahal's "Sacrifice" capacity as well as friendly fighters eliminated by other friendly fighters (<Devotion>, <Martyr> etc.) are not taken into account. The Armor of the Enslaved can thus hold up to 12 counters at a time. One counter is removed at the beginning of each round before making the Tactical Roll.

Yh-Sabahal's RES value is increased by an amount equal to the number of counters placed on his card (maximum: +6).

The Armor of the Enslaved is reserved to Yh-Sabahal.

Cost: 21 AP