Juicy Appendix

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Juicy Appendix

A long spike covered excrescence appears on the targeted Goblin Mutant’s body. It inflates in a phenomenal and disproportionate way. It explodes after a few seconds, showering acid in every direction. The Psychomutant Machiavellian enough or lucky enough to become warlords often use this spell as a cruel punishment for incompetent lieutenants. But such ill-treatment often leads to rebellion among the Goblins, assuring an ongoing renewal of the ruling power.

Confrontation 3 Revision

2 Managem air.png

Path: Mutation

Range: 25 cm

Difficulty: Free

Duration: Instantaneous

Area of Effect: One goblin mutant

Frequency: 1

Intensity: 3

A.P.: 6

The targeted mutant, as well as all fighters (friend or foe) located even partially within 5 cm or less of him, suffer a Damage roll with a STR equal to half of the difficulty chosen for the incantation (rounded up to the higher integer).