The Centurus Clones

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The Centurus Clones

Mutagenic Distribution

A Centurus Clone can never be given more than 4 Mutagenic points in the following characteristics: INI, ATT, DEF, and FEAR.

Psychic Echo

In Confrontation and in Rag'Narok the cost in mental energy of the Scorpion Neuromancers' powers is lowered by 1 point if at least one friendly Centurus Clone is within 10 cm or less of them. This power is not cumulative if several Centuruses are within range. A same Centurus can let several friendly neuromancers benefit from this capacity at a time.

Any Neuromancer can use a friendly Centurus Clone located within 10 cm or less of him (or in his Unit) as a relay when onto each other. The Neuromancer is still the power's user, but it is always considered to have been cast from the chosen Centurus in regard to range and line of sight. Several neuromancers can use the same Centurus clone as a relay for their powers.

In Rag'Narok only, a Neuromancer Leader's MOV and Mutagenic are modified for as long as he is in a Unit of Centurus clones. These new rates (MOV 12.5; Mutagenic / 1) do not apply if the former ones are greater.

Except for Independents, all Centuruses is a same Unit must be affected by the same psychic power.