The Golgoth Armor

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A strange silhouette

File:Card goblin golborakstableofincidents.jpg
Golborak's Table of Incidents (back)

Confrontation 3 Revision

The Golgoth Armor is a piece of naphta equipment. It is equipped with an integrated carburetor. The characteristics that can be the objects of an injection roll are Golborak’s Initiative and Strength.

These injection rolls follow the rules on steam and naphta machines (see p. 147 Confrontation 3 Rulebook).

If an incident happens, its consequences are defined in the following table:

Result on the D6 / Incident!
1: Oops! Golborak suffers a Damage roll (STR 10) while his RES is considered to be equal to 0, no matter the effects he is benefiting from. Effects that affect the results of Damage rolls (such as “Hardboiled”) apply as usual.

Furthermore, all fighters standing even partially within 5 cm or less of Golborak suffer a Damage roll (STR 5). This roll ignores the victims’ RES.

If Golborak survives, then he can no longer make injection rolls or benefit from an effect requiring a carburetor until the end of the game.

Finally, the test that should have benefited from the injection roll is considered to be an automatic failure.

2-4: It's blinking! A colorful warning light has just turned on. Golborak can no longer make injection rolls until the end of the round.
5-6: Metamorphosis! Golborak immediately makes a roll as if he were using Mutagenic / 0.