Revision as of 19:33, 3 August 2021 by Krillion the librarian (talk | contribs)
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- Akkyshan Elves|Akkyshan Elves
- Alchemists of Dirz|Alchemists of Dirz
- Concord of the Eagle|Concord of the Eagle
- Cynwall Elves|Cynwäll Elves
- Daikinee Elves|Daïkinee Elves
- Devourers of Vile-Tis|Devourers of Vile-Tis
- Dwarves of Mid-Nor|Dwarves of Mid-Nor
- Dwarves of Tir-Na-Bor|Dwarves of Tir-Nâ-Bor
- Elementals & Familiars|Elementals & Familiars
- Goblins of No-Dan-Kar & Ûraken|Goblins of No-Dan-Kar & Ûraken
- Immobilis of Cadwallon|Immobilis of Cadwallon
- Kelts of the Drune Clan|Kelts of the Drune Clan
- Kelts of the Sessair Clan|Kelts of the Sessair Clan
- Limbo of Acheron|Limbo of Acheron
- Lions of Alahan|Lions of Alahan
- Mercenaries & Stateless|Mercenaries & Stateless
- Ophidian Alliance|Ophidian Alliance
- Orcs of Behemoth|Orcs of Behemoth
- Orcs of Bran-O-Kor|Orcs of Bran-Ô-Kor
- Utopia of Sphinx|Utopia of Sphinx
- Wolfen of Yllia|Wolfen of Yllia