Transport / X
Revision as of 03:27, 13 July 2022 by Krillion the librarian (talk | contribs)
Certain chariots or other vehicles have enough space inside for them to take troops on board.
- Transport capacity X specifies the number of fighters that have room in the vehicle. This number can vary depending on the Size of the fighters.
- Fighters of Small or Medium Size count for 1 each.
- Fighters of Large Size count for 3 each. Miniatures with a mount in their equipment and fighters of Very Large Size cannot be taken on board a vehicle.
Example: A chariot with Transport / 4 can hold up to 4 fighters of Small or Medium Size, or 1 of Large Size plus 1 of Small or Medium Size.
- Fighters embarked during deployment During the deployment phase miniatures can be deployed inside a vehicle. The player must announce which fighters are on its board.
- Embarked fighters and the activation sequence As long as a fighter is on board a vehicle, his reference card is not mixed with the others when making the activation sequence, unless certain miniatures that are not on board the vehicle depend on his cards.
- Embarking and Disembarking Transport / X is always bound to an access that determines by which side a miniature can enter or exit the vehicle.
Example: A chariot has an access of “Sides.” A fighter can therefore get on board by placing himself in contact with either of the machine’s two sides.
A miniature that ends its movement in contact with a vehicle’s access after running or walking during the activation phase can enter it right away, but only if the machine is not moving. Embarked troops can leave the vehicle at the moment that it is activated. Such an action is only possible if the machine is not moving. There are then several different possibilities:
- If the vehicle is not moving when it is activated, the fighters can disembark before or after the machine moves.
- If the vehicle is moving when it is activated (thanks to the “Irrepressible” ability, for example), the fighters must wait for it to stop moving before disembarking. The machine can then no longer move until the end of the round.
The disembarked miniatures are placed in contact with the vehicle’s access and can immediately be activated. Yet they are prohibited from doing the following actions until the end of the round: - Charge
- Fire
If a transported miniature cannot be placed in contact with the vehicle’s access (due to the presence of obstacles or other miniatures), it remains inside the vehicle.
- Destruction of the Vehicle If the vehicle is destroyed while fighters are on board, then they each suffer a Damage roll with a STR equal to the RES printed on the machine’s reference card. If they survive, then they are placed where the vehicle was and without being in base-to-base contact with any opponents. They cannot do any action during the activation phase of the round being played.