The Alviram

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The Alviram

Nekhar was one of the cruelest warriors in the pack of Ellis, the Firstborn of the Devourers. Entirely devoted to Yllia, he vowed his whole existence to massacre and meditation.

But when the Beast made its revelations, Nekhar's certitudes were shatters to pieces. All believed him lost after seeing him cut off from reality in this way, but Vile-Tis was watching. After months of blood-filled debauchery and self-mutilations, Nekhar reached "ex-statis", illumination. The fallen god, happy to witness his Disciple's spiritual rebirth, gave him the Alviram as a gift. A dreadful weapon whose perverse appetite fans the Devourer's deepest desires.

In Confrontation the Alviram allows Nekhar to re-roll his 6's on Damage Rolls. Every die can thus be re-rolled only once. A result of 1 is not considered an automatic failure. However, a double 6 cannot be rolled again.

In Rag'Narok, Nekhar can re-roll 5's and 6's on the Damage Rolls he inflicts. Moreover, when he obtains a result of 1 after having re-rolled such a roll, he adds the result to the previous one instead of reading the Wound on line 1.

Every time Nekhar inflicts a Damage Roll in Hand-to-Hand Combat using the Alviram and the Roll's results is neither a Wound nor KILLED OUTRIGHT, his Discipline decreases by 1 point for the whole duration of the following round. It cannot become less than 0 in this way.

The Alviram is reserved to Nekhar.

Cost: 28 AP