Cadwë Undertaker

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MOV: 10

Cadwë Undertaker 1 (Insensitive)
Cadwë Undertaker 2 (Artifact)


INI: 2

ATT/STR: 2/5

DEF/RES: 2/7

AIM: -

COU: 5

DIS: 3

"I will make sure you Rest In Peace"

Abilities:Immunity/Fear, Insensitive/5, Warrior-Mage, Initiate of a chosen element/Primagic

Rank: Initiate of Cadwallon

Power: 3

Cost: 18 AP


MOV: 10

INI: 2

ATT/STR: 2/5

DEF/RES: 2/7

AIM: -

COU: 5

DIS: 3

"From ashes to ashes."

Abilities:Immunity / Fear. Artifact / 1. Warrior-Mage. Initiate of a chosen element / Primagic.

Rank: Initiate of Cadwallon

Power: 3

Cost: 18 AP

Included in blister 1 (November 2006)

The Cadwë Undertakers

Embrace of the Mandrake

Mortuary Veil

Included in blister 2 (January 2007)

The Cadwë Undertakers

Banner of the Dead

Beacon of Beyond