Halcyon Compressor

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Bál-Khan, the Master Armorer of the Khor, has entrusted his youngest son, Lothan, with his most valuable invention: a Thermo-Suit equipped with the latest technology.

Halcyon Compressor

One of this incredible armored suit's numerous innovations may just revolutionize the Dwarf army: the Halcyon Compressor!

Placed between the boiler and the internal steam distributor, the Halcyon Compressor controls the transmission of energy to the various equipment of the Thermo-Suit.

Barely larger than a simple internet temperature regulator, it nevertheless weighs as much as two cooling turbines of a Bombard Boiler. However, despite this inconvenience, the Halcyon Compressor is a true innovation in the history of steam.

The Halcyon Compressor allows Lothan to add 1 point to each of his Pressure dice. A result of a natural 1 still means that an Incident has occurred. This extraordinary invention also adds 1 point to all the rolls on the Incident Table. A result of 7 means that the compressor has regulated the boiler in time and the Incident has no consequences.

The Halcyon Compressor is reserved to Lothan.

Cost: 28 AP