Demonic Possession

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Made furious by the words of power spoken by the Magician, the demonic entity that is within every servant of the Despot unleashes its rage without worrying about its carnal envelope anymore.

Demonic Possession

4 Darkness Managem darkness.png

Path: Chtonian

Range: 10 cm

Difficulty: 10

Duration: Until end of round

Area of Effect: Special

Frequency: 1

Intensity: 4

A.P.: 13

This spell must be cast during the Movement phase, at the moment when the Magician's card is activated. Only befriended figurines that have the Possessed ability on their Reference card may be targeted. The spell's caster may not be affected. The target's Strength increases by 2 points and it acquires the War Fury, Brutish Charge, and Fierce abilities until the end of the round.

Roll 1D6 during the Mana Recovery phase and apply the result corresponding to the roll's result:

  • 1-2: the target suffers a Light Wound
  • 3-4: the target suffers a Serious Wound
  • 5: The target suffers a Critical Wound
  • 6: The target is KILLED OUTRIGHT