The No-Dan-Kar Cleaners

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Goblin cities are truly sociological feats. From close up, they have more in common with crawling dumps than with real cities. There is as much swarming vermin as there are Goblins… That is when the Gas-Blowers step in. This cast has created many gases to keep off vermin without eradicating it, which would offend the god Rat. Gas-Blowers are sometimes called in to combat. They then vie in ingenuity to deserve the title of “best Gas-Blowers of No-Dan-Kar”.

The No-Dan-Kar Cleaners 1
The No-Dan-Kar Cleaners 2

“Here kitty, kitty!” the Gas-Blower repeated over and over again. The pest was somewhere in the area and he mustn’t let himself be taken by surprise. Suddenly a whistling-sound was heard, and a ghoul appeared from the shadows brandishing dreadful daggers. “ah, about time.” Whispered the exterminator.

Confrontation 3 Revision

Once per round, during his activation (before or after his movement), the goblin gas-blower can activate his vaporizer.

All miniatures located even partially within 5 cm or less of the gas-blower and within his fi eld of vision (180° from the front of his base) are affected by his gas.

The player controlling the gas-blower chooses the type of gas that is used among the three below:

  • Veil of Soot: The cloud of smoke forms an obstacle that blocks lines of sight at altitude level 0. It is nevertheless possible to move through it, and range effects that do not require a line of sight can cross it. The cloud moves with the gas-blower.
  • Stinging Cloud: The fighters lose one hand-to-hand combat die.
  • Frenzy Vapor: The fighters must place all their combat dice in attack, even if a different game effect forces them to place some in defense.

Attention! Stinging Cloud and Frenzy Vapor affect fighters as long as they are within the gas’s area of effect. The same fighter can be affected by both gases at the same time. Yet they have no effect on fighters with the “Living-dead” or “Construct” ability, or on the gas-blowers themselves.