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== Clan box ==

'''Colony / (2 AP)''':
''The Dwarves of Mid-Nor roam all the continent of Aarklash's chasms looking for shameful secrets. The Colony of Ephorath is dominated by the demon of the same name, an ancient and dreadfully powerful spirit who cannot walk the surface of the real world unless he is joined by his fellow demons Elzavid and Eszorid...''

'''Solo / (5 AP)''':
When the Colony of Ephorath is at a whole, the spirit of Ephorath himself appears before his most devout servants. At the beginning of the game, before making the Tactical Roll, select any clan member to be the spirit's host. From then on, before every new Tactical Roll, the spirit can either remain with its current host or possess another clan member within 10 cm or less of him. As long as the host is in Ephorath's spirit's grasp his Initiative, Attack, Strength, Defense, and Resilience rates are increased by 1 point. If the host is killed, the spirit immediately possesses another figurine of the Colony of Ephorath (chosen by the Mid-Nor player) standing within 10 cm or less of the current host. If there is no potential new host within range, then the bodyless spirit permanently leaves the battlefield to return to the Realms of Darkness.

'''Solo / (3 AP)''':
For the Colony of Ephorath to be at a whole, the army must included the following figurines among its ranks: [[Yh-Karas, King of the Abyss|Yh-Karas]], [[Ezalyth, Queen of the Damned|Ezalyth]], [[Ysilthan, Bishop of Ymsur|Ysilthan]], a [[Knight of Ruin]], a [[Castle of Desolation]], and four [[Skinner of Mid-Nor|Skinners]].
== Cry Havoc 4 Gaming Aid ==
The following information is pulled from the Cry Havoc vol 4 Gaming Aid; pp 28-31.
=== The Colony of Ephorath ===
''The Colony of Ephorath'' '''unites the most emblematic fighters of the demonic clan. When the [[Yh-Karas, King of the Abyss|King of the Abyss]] calls his henchmen to war, no one questions his orders. The following rules increase this clan's gaming potential.'''
'''[[Asturath the Destroyer]] is a cyclops of Mid-Nor. Being such, he benefits from the "[[The Eye of the Abyss]]" special capacity.'''
==== How to join The Colony of Ephorath? ====
The following fighters can become members of this clan by paying an additional cost in A.P. depending on the type of trooper. The dwarves of Mid-Nor thus bound to the Colony of Ephorath benefit from all the special rules specific to this clan. Furthermore, some can be endowed with exceptional aptitudes.
* The [[Warrior of the Abyss|Warriors of the Abyss]] of the Colony of Ephorath form the King of the Abyss's personal guard. As long as he is within 15 cm or less of Yh-Karas (''Confrontation''), or in the same Unit as him (''Rag'Narok''), a warrior of the Abyss of the Colony of Ephorath benefits from the "Fierce" ability.  In ''Rag'Narok'' this ability replaces the "Ultimate Attack" capacity of the "Possessed" ability. Furthermore, when Yh-Karas is commanding a Unit of warriors of the Abyss of the Colony of Ephorath, he transmits his DIS to them without any penalty due to the difference in rank.  Cost: 2 A.P.
* The [[Fire-Spitter of Mid-Nor]] can benefit from a special rule if the clan is at a whole (see The Demonic Castles).  Cost: 0 A.P.
* The [[Prowler of the Abyss|Prowlers of the Abyss]] can benefit from a special rule if the clan is at a whole (see The Eyes of the Demon).  Cost: 0 A.P.
* If [[Ezalyth, Queen of the Damned|Ezalyth, the Queen of the Damned]], is part of the army, then the [[Master of Puppets|Masters of Puppets]] can be given a Doll of Darkness for an additional cost of 2 A.P. each. This artifact lets them share the Queen of the Damned's talent. As long as a friendly master of puppets with a Doll of Darkness is within 15 cm or less of Ezalyth, he benefits from a +1 on the final result of all his Power Rolls.  Cost: 0 A.P. (+2 A.P. for every Doll of Darkness is Ezalyth is present)
* The Warrior-Monks of the Colony of Ephorath are not [[Collector of Mid-Nor|Collectors of Mid-Nor]]. They are called "Disciples of the Ymsur" and benefit from the "Blessing of the Ymsur" capacity instead of the one described on [[The Despot's Eviscerators]] card.  Cost: 6 A.P.
* [[Sentinel of Mid-Nor]]  Cost: 0 A.P.
* [[Sentinel of the Abyss]]  Cost: 0 A.P.
* [[Cyclops of Mid-Nor]]  Cost: 0 A.P.
<blockquote>'''ATTENTION!''' ''In no way can a same fighter be bound to two different colonies.''</blockquote>
==== Composition of Alternative Armies ====