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[[File:card_dirz_neurostingofpain.jpg|thumb|Neuro-Sting of Pain]]
[[File:card_dirz_neurostingofpain.jpg|thumb|Neuro-Sting of Pain]]
''The Neuro-Sting of Pain is a long retractile needle transplanted inside the forearm of Scorpion faithful who received the blessing of Arh-Tolth. Due to their relative fragility, these are mediocre melee weapons, their owners use them to finish off the wounded interrogate prisoners or even punish slaves.''
''Through a strange alchemy, the neuro-sting is linked to the nerve system of its owner, but also to his divinatory powers, and therefore to Arh-Tolth himself. The faithful stabs through the flesh of his victims, inflicting unspeakable pain intended to break even the sternest of wills. On the other hand, the torturer experiences extreme pleasure. This sensation, born from Darkness itself, is so addictive that many faithful have been dragged into a whirlpool of decadence, to the great satisfaction of their god.''
Neuro-Sting of Pain gives Ferocious to its bearer. The fighters KILLED OUTRIGHT in hand-to-hand combat using it cannot benefit from Fierce. They are removed from the game and cannot come back in any way.
This artifact is reserved to faithful of Arh-Tolth.
Cost: 10 AP