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[[File:card_devourer_thelordsofcarnage.jpg|thumb|The Lords of Carnage]]
[[File:card_devourer_thelordsofcarnage.jpg|thumb|The Lords of Carnage]]

''Created by Velrys, Prince of the Impure, the corps formed by the lords of carnage was inspired by the Wolfen masters of carnage. It is composed of half-elves who share their passion of combat and walk into battle to perfect their skills. However, the differences between both corps are crucial. First, the half-elves do not have the physical power of their Wolfen models and have chosen to favor style over pugnacity. Second, they draw their powers from Darkness and not Water, and master the path of howls rather than torments.''

==See Also==
''These differences are grounds to quarrel among the Devourers. Duels between masters and lords of carnage are frequent. However, the Devourers believe their level of awareness does not allow them to be prejudiced, these confrontations are more a pretext for violent celebrations. Many of those seeking perfection are slowly blending the techniques from both schools.''
During the activation of a [[Lord of Carnage|lord of carnage]], the player can designate friendly fighters within 15 cm (including the lord of carnage himself) and spend as many gems as the number of fighters designated. They get +1 in Initiative, Attack, Defense, or Strength (player's choice) until the end of the round. This capacity can be used several times per round on the same fighters.
In ''Rag'Narok'' this capacity can only be used if all the fighters of a unit are affected.