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==See Also==
''Before waging war against all of the peoples of Aarklash, the Devourers are above all at war with the gods. They see them as very powerful yet mortal entities! The Devourers believe that the gods have subjugated all the beings of Creation just to satisfy their fratricidal ambitions...''
''The Faithful of Vile-Tis are dreaded for their vandal spirit. They don't honor the Beast with the kind of obedience that characterizes the arrogant and cruel divinities. They act in a. way to be in harmony with their own nature and with the warrior ideals of the Beast. Their power of negation is such that reality seems to disintegrate around them.''
The Faithful of Vile-Tis are all merciless fighters, which is why they have the Warrior-Monk ability. Unlike other Warrior-Monks, the number of miracles that a Devourer Faithful can acquire before the battle is proportional to his [[Rank]].
'''Devout''': 1
'''Zealot''': 2
'''Dean''': 3
'''Avatar''': 4
The maximum amount is increased by 1 if the Faithful is a Character. Like other Warrior-Monks, the Faithful of Vile-Tis have access only to miracles and communions of their Cult and the Universal Cult.
At the beginning of the Divination phase a Faithful of Vile-Tis can choose to increase the number of Temporary Faith points he has for this round. The maximum number of additional points that can be acquired varies according to the Faithful's Rank:
'''Devout''': 2
'''Zealot''': 5
'''Dean''': 8
'''Avatar''': 15
These points are considered as normal Temporary Faith points. But the Beast demands something in return for its favors. The additional Temporary Faith points acquired make up a debt towards the divinity. Place as many counters as points acquired in this way near the Faithful. Every Wound inflicted on an opponent by a befriended Devourer in the Faithful's Aura of Faith allows him to remove one counter. STUNNED is not a Wound but KILLED OUTRIGHT is counted in this case. At the beginning of the next Divination phase the Faithful's Wound level worsens by one degree for every counter that hasn't been removed. Yet this is not considered a Wound and cannot be avoided in any way. All remaining counters are then removed before calculating the Faithful's new Temporary Faith.