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=== Scout ===
MOV: 12.5

INI: 4

ATT/STR: /  
ATT/STR: 4 / 5

DEF/RES: /  
DEF/RES: 3 / 3

AIM: -

COU: 4

DIS: 1

''"May blood be spilled for the sorceress!"''

VPC: "I live in the shadows of the Black Woods."  

''Equipment'': Sorceress's claws.

''Abilities'': [[Leap|'''<Leap>''']]. [[Scout|'''<Scout>''']]. Drune Clan.

''Rank'': Kelt Special.

Cost: 19 AP

MOV: 12.5

Cost: AP
INI: 4

ATT/STR: 4 / 6

==See Also==
DEF/RES: 3 / 3
AIM: -
COU: 4
DIS: 1
''"The blood of your kind stains my hands!"''
''Equipment'': Billhook of Fury. Bone Dagger.
''Abilities'': [[Leap|'''<Leap>''']]. [[Survival Instinct|'''<Survival Instinct>''']]. Drune Clan.
''Rank'': Kelt Special.
Cost: 18 AP
==Included in blisters (January 2004)==
[[Rage of the Sorceresses]]
== Notes: ==
Special Edition Lanyfh Blister in may 2005 with [[Rage of the Sorceresses]]