Difference between revisions of "Alchemists of Dirz"

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Line 33: Line 33:
|Abhand Jamir, Dawn  Warrior
|Arkeon Sanath
|Azhyan Adjaran
|Cypher Lukhan
|Cypher Lukhan
|Kayl Kartan
|Kayl Kartan
|Kheris, Clone 66U184
|Kithairin Saar
|Lady Claudia Nessalith
|Razheem the Insane
|Salias Yesod
|Sasia Samaris (Cloak)
|Sasia Samaris (Foot)
|Sasia Samaris, The Rose of the Sands
|Sethin, Dawn Warrior
|Sîn Assyris
|Sykho Volesterus
|Thissan Ka
|Vargas Metatron
|Vargas Metatron
|Ysis, The Viper of the Desert
Line 54: Line 264:
|Aberration Prime
|Alchemical Storm
|Alchemical Veteran
|Belisarius Clone
|Belisarius Warrior
|Centurus Clone 1
|Centurus Clone 2
|Clone of Dirz 1
|Clone of Dirz 2
|Clone of Dirz 3
|Clone of Dirz 4
|Crimson Fury
|Crimson Servant
|Dasyatis Clone 1
|Dasyatis Clone 2
|Dasyatis Guard
|Dawn Warrior 1
|Dirz Biopsist 1
|Dirz Biopsist 2
|Dirz Crossbowman 1
|Dirz Crossbowman 2
|Dirz Halberdier
|Dirz Musician
|Jadharis Clone
|Keratis Warrior 1
|Keratis Warrior 2
|Keratis Warrior 3
|Keratis Warrior 4
|Musician of Dirz
|Nefarius Clone
|Nemesis Beast
|Nemesis Clone
|Pest of Flesh
|Scorpion Neuromancer
|Scorpion Oriflamme
|Sentinel of Danakil 1
|Sentinel of Danakil 2
|Skorize Warrior 1
|Standard Bearer of Dirz
|Standard Bearer of the Scorpion
|Tiger of Dirz 1
|Tiger of Dirz 2
|Tiger of Dirz 3
|Tiger of Shamir
|Vicar of Dirz