Difference between revisions of "Orcs of Bran-Ô-Kor Gallery"

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(10 intermediate revisions by one other user not shown)
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File:Card branokor thevultureswings.jpg|The Vulture's Wings
File:Card branokor thevultureswings.jpg|The Vulture's Wings
File:Card branokor incendiaryjars.jpg|Incendiary Jars
File:Card branokor incendiaryjars.jpg|Incendiary Jars
File:Card branokor hordethetrackersofbranokor.jpg|The Trackers of Bran-Ô-Kor
File:Card branokor hordethetrackersofbranokor2.jpg|The Trackers of Bran-Ô-Kor 2

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File:Card branokor songofdayspast.jpg|Song of Days Past
File:Card branokor songofdayspast.jpg|Song of Days Past
File:Card branokor thunderswrath.jpg|Thunder's Wrath
File:Card branokor thunderswrath.jpg|Thunder's Wrath
File:Card branokor thunderswrathback.jpg|Thunder's Wrath
File:Card branokor favorofthelongsun.jpg|Favor of the Long Sun  
File:Card branokor favorofthelongsun.jpg|Favor of the Long Sun  
===Törk the Animal===
===Törk the Animal===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
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File:Card branokor combatdrugs.jpg|Combat Drugs
File:Card branokor combatdrugs.jpg|Combat Drugs
File:Card branokor theelusive.jpg|The Elusive
File:Card branokor theelusive.jpg|The Elusive
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card goblin carbone.jpg|Carbone
File:Card goblin thefroof.jpg|The Froof
File:Card goblin thefroofback.jpg|The Froof (back)
File:Card goblin thenaphtamachines.jpg|The Naphta Machines
File:Card goblin thenaphtamachinesback.jpg|The Naphta Machines (back)
===Dayak of a Hundred Lives===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor dayakofahundredlives.jpg|Dayak of a Hundred Lives
File:Card branokor thearmorofassurnam.jpg|The Armor of Assurnam
===Ghorak the Wild Beast===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor ghorakthewildbeast.jpg|Ghorak the Wild Beast
File:Card branokor thewildbeast.jpg|The Wild Beast
File:Card branokor theamokflail3.jpg|The Amok Flail
===Holok, Jackal Warrior===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor holokjackalwarrior.jpg|Holok, Jackal Warrior
===Kal Shadar===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor kalshadar.jpg|Kal Shadar
File:Card branokor theamokflail.jpg|The Amok Flail
File:Card branokor gorokshorn.jpg|Gorok's Horn
File:Card branokor hakemsscimitar.jpg|Hakem's Scimitar
===Kal Shadar, Amok Slayer 2nd===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor kalshadaramokslayer.jpg|Kal Shadar, Amok Slayer 2nd
===Rajhak, Jackal Warrior===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor rajhakjackalwarrior.jpg|Rajhak, Jackal Warrior
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor rantakh.jpg|Rantakh
File:Card branokor skinofmirages.jpg|Skin of Mirages
===Tarrun, Son of Umran Kal===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor tarrunsonofumrankal.jpg|Tarrun, Son of Umran Kal
===Tunguska the Renegade===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor tunguskatherenegade.jpg|Tunguska the Renegade
===Umran Kal===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor umrankal.jpg|Umran Kal
File:Card branokor orghotheoldrumbler.jpg|Orgho the Old Rumbler
File:Card branokor thevulturestalon.jpg|The Vulture's Talon
===Umran Kal 2nd===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor umrankal2.jpg|Umran Kal 2nd
===Vorak the Infallible===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor voraktheinfallible.png|Vorak the Infallible
===Vorak the Infallible 2nd===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor voraktheinfallible2.jpg|Vorak the Infallible 2nd

==Mystic Troops==
==Mystic Troops==
===Animistic Shaman on Brontops===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor animisticshamanonbrontops.jpg|Animistic Shaman on Brontops
File:Card branokor spiritofthebattles.jpg|Spirit of the Battles
File:Card branokor spiritofthestorms.jpg|Spirit of the Storms
File:Card branokor themastersofthespirits.jpg|The Masters of the Spirits
===Jackal Master of Rites===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor jackalmasterofrites.jpg|Jackal Master of Rites
File:Card branokor mahata.jpg|Mahata
File:Card branokor rageofthejackal.jpg|Rage of the Jackal
File:Card branokor jackalsservants.jpg|Jackal's Servants
===Mystic Warrior===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor mysticwarrior.jpg|Mystic Warrior
File:Card branokor mysticwarrior2.jpg|Mystic Warrior 2
File:Card branokor flintshard.jpg|Flint Shard
File:Card branokor vortexofquartz.jpg|Vortex of Quartz
File:Card branokor kissoftheearth.jpg|Kiss of the Earth
File:Card branokor rejection.jpg|Rejection
File:Card branokor branokorsblood.jpg|Bran-Ô-Kor's Blood
File:Card branokor thebloodofbranokor.jpg|The Blood of Bran-Ô-Kor
==Warrior Troops==
==Warrior Troops==
===Amok Slayer===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor amokslayer.jpg|Amok Slayer
File:Card branokor amokslayer2.jpg|Amok Slayer 2
File:Card branokor amokslayer3.jpg|Amok Slayer 3
File:Card branokor amokslayer4.jpg|Amok Slayer 4
File:Card branokor theamokflail.jpg|The Amok Flail
===Auroch Horn Blower===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor aurochhornblower.png|Auroch Horn Blower
===Brontops Rider===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor brontopsrider.jpg|Brontops Rider
File:Card branokor brontopsrider2.jpg|Brontops Rider 2
===Brute Musician===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor brutemusician.jpg|Brute Musician
===Brute Standard-Bearer===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor brutestandardbearer.jpg|Brute Standard-Bearer
===Brute Veteran===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor bruteveteran.jpg|Brute Veteran
===Guardian of Jackal===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor guardianofjackal.jpg|Guardian of Jackal
===Incendiary Orc===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor incendiaryorc.jpg|Incendiary Orc
===Jackal Tracker===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor jackaltracker.jpg|Jackal Tracker
File:Card branokor jackaltracker2.jpg|Jackal Tracker 2
===Jackal Warrior===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor jackalwarrior.jpg|Jackal Warrior
File:Card branokor jackalwarrior2.jpg|Jackal Warrior 2
File:Card branokor jackalwarrior3.jpg|Jackal Warrior 3
===Orc Bruiser===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor orcbruiser.png|Orc Bruiser
===Orc Brute===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor orcbrute.jpg|Orc Brute
File:Card branokor orcbrute2.jpg|Orc Brute 2
File:Card branokor orcbrute3.jpg|Orc Brute 3
File:Card branokor orcbrute4.jpg|Orc Brute 4
===Orc Raptor===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor orcraptor.jpg|Orc Raptor
File:Card branokor theorcraptors.jpg|The Orc Raptors
===Orc Totem-Bearer===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor orctotembearer.png|Orc Totem-Bearer
===Orc Tracker===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor orctracker.jpg|Orc Tracker
===Orc Warrior===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor orcwarrior.png|Orc Warrior
===Orc with Crossbow===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor orcwithcrossbow.jpg|Orc with Crossbow
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor tarascus.png|Tarascus
File:Card dirz thetarascus.jpg|The Tarascus
File:Card dirz roar.jpg|Roar
File:Card dirz sweep.jpg|Sweep
File:Card dirz tarascusjaws.jpg|Tarascus Jaws
File:Card dirz tarascuscharge.jpg|Tarascus Charge
===Tribal Bruiser===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor tribalbruiser.jpg|Tribal Bruiser
===The Orcish Hordes===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor theorcishhordescover.jpg|The Orcish Hordes Cover
File:Card branokor theorcishhordes.jpg|The Orcish Hordes
File:Card branokor theorcishhordesback.jpg|The Orcish Hordes (back)
File:Card branokor hordejackalslair.jpg|Horde: Jackal's Lair
File:Card branokor hordethearmyofthetwosuns.jpg|Horde: The Army of the Two Suns
File:Card branokor hordethearmyofthetwosunsback.jpg|Horde: The Army of the Two Suns (back)
File:Card branokor hordethetribeoftheblackrock.jpg|Horde: The Black Rock Tribe
File:Card branokor hordethelongsun.jpg|Horde: The Long Sun
File:Card branokor hordethelongsunback.jpg|Horde: The Long Sun (back)
File:Card branokor hordethesarkainomads.jpg|Horde: The Sarkaï Nomads
File:Card branokor hordethethunderriders.jpg|Horde: The Thunder Riders
File:Card branokor hordethetorchesofgerikan.jpg|Horde: The Torches of Gerikân
File:Card branokor hordethetorchesofgerikanback.jpg|Horde: The Torches of Gerikân (back)
File:Card branokor hordethevulturesclaws.jpg|Horde: The Vulture's Claws
File:Card branokor tribaltattoo.jpg|Tribal Tattoo
File:Card branokor furofthewildbeast.jpg|Fur of the Wild Beast
File:Card branokor mokoroseed.jpg|Mokoro Seed


Latest revision as of 07:20, 21 November 2022

Mystic Incarnates



Tamaor the Vulture

The Son of Thunder

Törk the Animal

Törk the Animal

Warrior Incarnates

Avangorok the Elusive


Dayak of a Hundred Lives

Ghorak the Wild Beast

Holok, Jackal Warrior

Kal Shadar

Kal Shadar, Amok Slayer 2nd

Rajhak, Jackal Warrior


Tarrun, Son of Umran Kal

Tunguska the Renegade

Umran Kal

Umran Kal 2nd

Vorak the Infallible

Vorak the Infallible 2nd

Mystic Troops

Animistic Shaman on Brontops

Jackal Master of Rites

Mystic Warrior

Warrior Troops

Amok Slayer

Auroch Horn Blower

Brontops Rider

Brute Musician

Brute Standard-Bearer

Brute Veteran

Guardian of Jackal

Incendiary Orc

Jackal Tracker

Jackal Warrior

Orc Bruiser

Orc Brute

Orc Raptor

Orc Totem-Bearer

Orc Tracker

Orc Warrior

Orc with Crossbow


Tribal Bruiser


The Orcish Hordes