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!Aim Str
!Aim Str
!Aim Range
!Aim Range
|Carrache the Bomblayer
|Carrache the Bomblayer
|Minelayer. Target / +3. Aim. (Artefact/2, Counter-Attack, Master Strike/0, Sequence/2, Quick reload/1, Assault fire, Aiming)
|Minelayer. Target / +3. Aim. (Artefact/2, Counter-Attack, Master Strike/0, Sequence/2, Quick reloading/1, Assault fire, Aiming)
Line 40: Line 36:
|Wandering knight
|Brutish charge, Desperate, STR charge/3, Mercenary. Large Size. (Immunity/Fear).
|Ruthless. Brutish Charge. War Cry/6. Hard-Boiled.
Line 62: Line 56:
|Molosser of the Militia
|Brutal, Mercenary, Born killer. (Artefact/1, Counter-Attack, Master Strike/0, Sequence/2)
|Slave/Dogmaster, Bestial charge, Hard-boiled. ''Small size''.
|Born killer, Mercenary. Large Size.
| -5
Line 100: Line 73:
|Orphan of Avagddu - A
|Buried fury.
|Brutal. Mercenary.
Line 119: Line 90:
|Fury of Avagddu - A
|Cadwë Minotaur Maid
|Brutish Charge. Ruthless. Cure/4.
| -7
|War fury, Possessed. Large Size. Buried fury.
| -6
Line 147: Line 116:
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!Aim Str
!Aim Str
!Aim Range
!Aim Range
|Drisalia, Mantis champion
|Brutal, Master Strike/2, Fanatism, Fine blade. (Artefact/1, Counter-Attack, Sequence/2).
|Toxic/2. Immunity/Toxic. Desperate. ''Circle of influence/10''. ''Sacrifice''.
| -6
|Toxic/0. Immunity/Toxic. Desperate.
| -4
|Arcane II - Papesse:RES+2 and "Sacred Armor".
|Baby bomb elf
|Harassment, Survival instinct/6. Light artillery with zone effect. Carburettor. FROUF. Small Size. (Artefact/2, Counter-Attack, Master Strike/0, Sequence/2, Quick reloading/1, Assault fire, Aiming).  
|Devotion/1. Martyr/1. ''Natal explosion''. ''Small size''.
|Artifact - Rune of Minor Will: Resolution/1
|Jackal Tracker - C
|Suicide spider
|Brutal, Fanatism.
|Toxic/1. Target/+2. Rapidity. ''Suicide explosion''. ''Small size''.
| -6
|Human slave unchained
|Devotion/1. Martyr/1.
|Ogre slave
|Dorsal blades/2 additional Attacks (STR 6). Immunity/Toxic. Dreadful. Hard-boiled. Sequence. ''Large size''.
| -7
Line 217: Line 229:
|Inspired Shaman
|Spider Executor
|Brutal, Initiate of the Instinctive magic.
|Dorsal blades/2 additional Attacks (STR 6). Immunity/Toxic. Toxic/1. Assassin. ''Large size''.  
| -6
|Spells: Kiss of the Earth, Gift of mirage, Vortex of Quartz, Mystical Sap

Line 241: Line 251:
|Buried fury
|1d6 is rolled each time an orphan of Avagddu takes a Wound roll or suffers an automatic Wound.
- If the result is '1', '2' or '3', nothing happens.
- If the result is '4', Avagddu's orphan is transformed into Avagddu's fury. Her miniature and profile are replaced accordingly. The fury is in the same state of Injury as the orphan she replaces and benefits from the magical effects to which the latter was subjected. This transformation is final.
- If the result is '5' or '6', the transformation takes place as before and the Wound roll is also ignored. This result is considered as a successful Survival Instinct test.
|Quick reloading
|Quick reloading
Line 257: Line 258:
This ability does not work when the fighter who has it acts as a substitute for a war machine and that his TIR is used for a shot of the machine.
This ability does not work when the fighter who has it acts as a substitute for a war machine and that his TIR is used for a shot of the machine.
|A fighter with this ability benefits from the bonus of Still Shot (see XIII-A-8, page 69) even if he moves during the turn (before or after the shot).
|A fighter with this ability benefits from the bonus of Still Shot (see XIII-A-8, page 69) even if he moves during the turn (before or after the shot).
|Neural Construct
|Natal explosion
|The mental energy cost of a neuromancer's powers is reduced by 1 point if at least one friendly Centurus clone is within 10cm of him. This effect is not cumulative. Any friendly neuromancer Centurus clones can be used by neuromancers to cast their psychic powers. Any power can be cast as if the Centurus were doing it itself (as long as it is within 10cm of the neuromancer). The Centurus that serves as a relay must be designated before the Discipline test. The points are deducted from the neuromancer's mental energy reserve. However, the range and line of sight are checked from the Centurus' base. If the power being cast involves an effect on the caster (Injury roll or other), this effect is applied to the Centurus, which acts as a relay. When a neuromancer uses this ability to cast a power, he benefits from the bonuses conferred by the presence of the Centurus.
|A Baby Elf Bomb can be carried by a friendly or enemy fighter. It can be picked up or dropped without counting as an action during the carrier's movement.
If 1 Baby Elf Bomb is carried by a fighter, nothing else can be carried by the fighter.
After the Baby Elf Bomb has been moved or dropped on the ground, at the very beginning or end of a Close Combat phase you can designate it to be detonated.
Any combatant in contact, friend or enemy, must roll 1D6, if the result is <3, the fighter remarks the beginning of the explosion and can try to run away (Disengage/6).
If the result is >2, the Baby Elf Bomb is disintegrated in an explosion and cannot return to play in any way.
All fighters, friend or enemy, who are in contact with a disintegrating Baby Elf Bomb receive a roll of Wounds (FOR=5).
|Master of the mind
|Suicide explosion
|For each Neuromancer in your army, you can assign an attribute of your choice to up to 3 clones with the ability 'Neural Construct' by paying the indicated cost for each one. Each neuromancer can freely distribute his attributes on one or more fighters. No fighter can receive the same attribute more than once.
|After its movement, at the very beginning or at the end of a close combat phase, you can designate a suicide spider and sacrifice it. It disintegrates in a powerful explosion and cannot return to play in any way.
- Caution. The fighter gains the skill 'Survival Instinct/6' for +3PA.

- Anger. The fighter gains the skill "Chaining/1" for +4PA.
All fighters, friendly or enemy, within 5cm of a disintegrating suicide spider receive a Wound roll (FOR=4).
|Circle of influence/X
|At the beginning of the strategic phase, the miniature gains DIS+1 (maximum: +3) for every 2 friendly fighters within X cm.
|When the fighter receives a Wound roll, he can designate a friendly fighter of his faction within 5cm (no line of sight is necessary) with one of the skills below:

- Cunning. The fighter gains the skill "Counter-Attack" for +4PA.

Each neuromancer starts the game with as many 'Mental Energy' counters as his Discipline score.
During each Maintenance phase, each neuromancer loses all his 'Mental Energy' counters and must make a Discipline test without difficulty. The final result of the test gives the number of 'Mental Energy' counters that the neuromancer immediately gains.
Note: for this test, no neuromancer can benefit from a bonus or replacement in Discipline via the skills 'Command/X' or 'Musician/X'.
A neuromancer can activate his psychic abilities upon activation, before and/or after a move (of any kind). He can target any fighter within 10cm of him (no line of sight is necessary), but can never be the target of his own powers (although he can target another neuromancer).
A neuromancer can use several powers during the same turn (including several times the same power). However, a single combatant can only be targeted by one mental ability in a single turn.
The psychic powers available to neuromancers are described below, the number in brackets corresponds to the number of 'Mental Energy' counters that must be spent to activate the power in question.
Psychic powers have no effect on fighters with the 'Construct', 'Unalterable' or 'Undead' skills, unless it is a 'Neural Construct'.
- Preservation (4). The target gains the 'Survival Instinct/6' skill until the end of the round. If it is a 'Neural Construct' that already has the 'Survival Instinct/6' skill, then it gains 'Survival Instinct/5' instead.

- Rage (5). The target gains the skill 'Chain/1' until the end of the turn. If it is a 'Neural Construct' that already has the 'Chain/1' skill, then it gains 'Born Killer' instead.
"Sacrifice" can only be used if the friendly fighter's Strategic Value is strictly lower than the target's on the Wound roll.

- Riposte (6). The target gains the skill 'Counterattack' until the end of the turn. If it is a 'Neural Construct' that already has the 'Counterattack' skill, then it gains 'Ambidextrous' instead.
If the sacrificed combatant was routed, he is immediately and automatically rallied.
- Sensory Alteration (6). The target cannot charge until the end of the turn.

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|Orcs of BOK-1
|Orcs of BOK-1
|Turn 2: Orcs of BOK-1 win the INI, 1 Jackal Tracker charge 1 Dirz Crossbowman through the spell Kiss of the Earth (range=40cm), kill him (6-6) and pursuit on 2nd Dirz Crossbowman in Light Wound. The Centurus Clone could not help them because its base is too big and it did not have the range to go around the little forest.
Turn 3: ...
|Orcs of BOK-1
|Orcs of BOK-1
|Turn 2: Wandering knight charges Holok, hand to hand combat, he ended up in serious and Holok in light thanks to his Arcanum which offers him Res+2.
|Turn 2: Carrache kill the Suicide spider with 2 shoots.
Turn 3: Orcs of BOK-1 win the INI at the right time, 1 Jackal Tracker charge 1 Deserter through the spell Kiss of the Earth (range=40cm), kill him and pursuit on 2nd Deserter in Light Wound, The Headsman contact him because she did not see him hidden by the 2nd Deserter.
Carbon, who was protected by the Gift of mirage (Dis=11) spell the previous turn, shoots the Nomad (Serious Wound) and Orphan of Avagddu (Light Wound), then is charged by the Nomad.
Orphan of Avagddu does not transform, roll=2. Then she engages Holok for help the Wandering knight.
Inspired Shaman heals Holok's light, then uses the Vortex of Quartz spell on Orphan of Avagddu and gives him a light which allows him to transform into Fury of Avagddu and becomes a serious.
The second Jackal Tracker will help Carbon against the Nomad.
The Jackal Tracker wins INI and his attck against The Headsman, (4+4) inflicting a serious wound.
The Deserter attacks Jackal Tracker and makes an exceptional wound (6+6) killing him.
Carbon and 2nd Jackal Tracker win INI, the Nomad, in serious wound, is forced to defend the first attack made by Carbon, successful defense and dies under the blows of the Jackal Tracker.
Orphan of Avagddu tries a warrior fury but she lost INI and takes a critical wound which finishes her off, she dies without being able to do any of the 3 attacks she had. The attack of the knight in grave is easily parried.
Turn 4:
The Deserter shoot on 2nd Jackal Tracker and inflicting a serious wound.
Inspired Shaman heals 2nd Jackal Tracker and boost his movement.
Carbon shoot on the Deserter, the shot deviates 10cm and hits also The Headsman. Partially under the impact zone, the STR boosted to 8 with FROUF, will only add +4. This shoot inflicts a serious wound to the Deserter and stunned to The Headsman.
The 2nd Jackal Tracker charge The Headsman.

The end of Cadwallon is near...

The 2nd Jackal Tracker attacks The Headsman makes an exceptional wound (6+6) and killing him. He pursuits on The Deserter, attacks, inflicting a serious wound and killing him.
The akkyshan are good for now, without magic spell.

Holok attacks the Wandering knight with Master-strike/2, success, (2+9->2) inflicting a serious wound and kill him.
I modified the ogre slave because it had too many dice with the Dorsal Blade equipment and the War Fury ability, and I did not use it in this game.

The orcs are not so bad with good troops for 24AP, Jackal Trackers, who attack well (5), defend well (5) and have a big strength (10).
After this game, the AP cost of Spider Executor was increased, so 1 Human slave unchained was removed in the army list.

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|[[File:simulation-0.jpg|thumb|Simulation N°0 - Turn 3]]
|[[File:simulation-akkyshan-1.jpg|thumb|Simulation N°1 - 1 - Turn 4]]
|[[File:simulation-1.jpg|thumb|Simulation N°1 - Turn 3]][[File:simulation-1-2.jpg|thumb|Simulation N°1 - end of Turn 3]][[File:simulation-1-3.jpg|thumb|Simulation N°1 - Turn 4]][[File:simulation-1-4.jpg|thumb|Simulation N°1 - end of Turn 4]]
|[[File:simulation-akkyshan-1-2.jpg|thumb|Simulation N°1 - 2 - Turn 4]]

Latest revision as of 08:38, 21 April 2023

Armies List : 200 AP - Rules : Confédé

Like a chess game I do solo games to test Akkyshan armies lists

Unit Base point Quantity Abilities Mov Ini Att/Str Def/Res Aim Cou-Fear Dis Pow Faith Aim Str Aim Range Other
Carrache the Bomblayer 59 1 Minelayer. Target / +3. Aim. (Artefact/2, Counter-Attack, Master Strike/0, Sequence/2, Quick reloading/1, Assault fire, Aiming) 10 4 3/4 3/5 5 4 5 0 0 6 25-50-75
Doghandler 28 1 Ruthless. Brutish Charge. War Cry/6. Hard-Boiled. 10 3 3/8 3/6 0 4 3 0 0 0 0
Molosser of the Militia 8 3 Slave/Dogmaster, Bestial charge, Hard-boiled. Small size. 10 2 2/4 1/4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
Henchman 13 2 Brutal. Mercenary. 10 3 4/5 3/5 0 4 2 0 0 0 0
Cadwë Minotaur Maid 62 1 Brutish Charge. Ruthless. Cure/4. 12.5 3 5/10 3/10 3 -7 1 0 0 7 20-35-45
Unit Base point Quantity Abilities Mov Ini Att/Str Def/Res Aim Cou-Fear Dis Pow Faith Aim Str Aim Range Other
Drisalia, Mantis champion 40 1 Toxic/2. Immunity/Toxic. Desperate. Circle of influence/10. Sacrifice. 12.5 5 4/8 3/6 0 -6 5 0 0 0 0
Mantis 18 2 Toxic/0. Immunity/Toxic. Desperate. 12.5 4 3/6 2/5 0 -4 2 0 0 0 0
Baby bomb elf 6 1 Devotion/1. Martyr/1. Natal explosion. Small size. 3 3 1/2 2/3 0 2 6 0 0 0 0
Suicide spider 16 1 Toxic/1. Target/+2. Rapidity. Suicide explosion. Small size. 12.5 5 4/4 2/3 0 -6 0 0 0 0 0
Human slave unchained 6 2 Devotion/1. Martyr/1. 10 3 2/3 2/4 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
Ogre slave 54 1 Dorsal blades/2 additional Attacks (STR 6). Immunity/Toxic. Dreadful. Hard-boiled. Sequence. Large size. 12.5 2 5/11 4/9 0 -7 0 0 0 0 0
Spider Executor 36 1 Dorsal blades/2 additional Attacks (STR 6). Immunity/Toxic. Toxic/1. Assassin. Large size. 15 4 5/6 3/5 0 -6 3 0 0 0 0
Special Abilities
Ability Description
Quick reloading A fighter with this ability can decide to take an extra shot during his activation. In order to use this ability, the fighter must not perform any actions other than shooting during his activation. When using this ability, the fighter loses -1 in Fire.

The shots are resolved in their entirety (choice of target, shooting test, wounding roll), one after the other, and can be directed at different targets. Only one additional shot per fighter is allowed during the same activation thanks to this ability, but it can be combined with any other effect (equipment, spell, miracle, ability, etc...) allowing the fighter to make additional shots. This ability does not work when the fighter who has it acts as a substitute for a war machine and that his TIR is used for a shot of the machine.

Bull’s-eye A fighter with this ability benefits from the bonus of Still Shot (see XIII-A-8, page 69) even if he moves during the turn (before or after the shot).
Natal explosion A Baby Elf Bomb can be carried by a friendly or enemy fighter. It can be picked up or dropped without counting as an action during the carrier's movement.

If 1 Baby Elf Bomb is carried by a fighter, nothing else can be carried by the fighter.

After the Baby Elf Bomb has been moved or dropped on the ground, at the very beginning or end of a Close Combat phase you can designate it to be detonated. Any combatant in contact, friend or enemy, must roll 1D6, if the result is <3, the fighter remarks the beginning of the explosion and can try to run away (Disengage/6).

If the result is >2, the Baby Elf Bomb is disintegrated in an explosion and cannot return to play in any way.

All fighters, friend or enemy, who are in contact with a disintegrating Baby Elf Bomb receive a roll of Wounds (FOR=5).

Suicide explosion After its movement, at the very beginning or at the end of a close combat phase, you can designate a suicide spider and sacrifice it. It disintegrates in a powerful explosion and cannot return to play in any way.

All fighters, friendly or enemy, within 5cm of a disintegrating suicide spider receive a Wound roll (FOR=4).

Circle of influence/X At the beginning of the strategic phase, the miniature gains DIS+1 (maximum: +3) for every 2 friendly fighters within X cm.
Sacrifice When the fighter receives a Wound roll, he can designate a friendly fighter of his faction within 5cm (no line of sight is necessary) with one of the skills below:



"Sacrifice" can only be used if the friendly fighter's Strategic Value is strictly lower than the target's on the Wound roll.

If the sacrificed combatant was routed, he is immediately and automatically rallied.

Simulated games
Player 1 Player 2 State Winner Resume
1 Cadwallon-1 Akkyshan-1 Completed Akkyshan-1 Turn 2: Carrache kill the Suicide spider with 2 shoots.


The akkyshan are good for now, without magic spell.

I modified the ogre slave because it had too many dice with the Dorsal Blade equipment and the War Fury ability, and I did not use it in this game.

After this game, the AP cost of Spider Executor was increased, so 1 Human slave unchained was removed in the army list.

Simulated games screens
Screen1 Screen2
Simulation N°1 - 1 - Turn 4
Simulation N°1 - 2 - Turn 4