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(Created page with "==Mystic Incarnates== ==Warrior Incarnates== ==Mystic Troops== ==Warrior Troops== ==Notes== Category:Gallery")
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==Mystic Incarnates==
==Mystic Incarnates==
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor shakamorkhai.jpg|Shaka-Morkhaï
File:Card branokor mysticaldisembodiment.jpg|Mystical Disembodiment
File:Card branokor thescavengersindulgence.jpg|The Scavenger's Indulgence
File:Card branokor thepathofkamahokor.jpg|The Path of Kamah-Ô-Kor
File:Card branokor khorlanandgrizmaor.jpg|Khorlan and Grizmaor
File:Card branokor mysticalstone.jpg|Mystical Stone
File:Card branokor talismansofthejackallord.jpg|Talismans of the Jackal Lord
File:Card branokor thejackallord.jpg|The Jackal Lord
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor shakaumruk.jpg|Shaka-Umruk
File:Card branokor rageofthejackal.jpg|Rage of the Jackal
File:Card branokor canvasofrealities.jpg|Canvas of Realities
File:Card branokor tenacityoftherock.jpg|Tenacity of the Rock
File:Card branokor fangsofjackal.jpg|Fangs of Jackal
===Tamaor the Vulture===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor tamaorthevulture.jpg|Tamaor the Vulture
File:Card branokor swarmofcarrionfowl.jpg|Swarm of Carrion Fowl
File:Card branokor faithfuldream.jpg|Faithful Dream
File:Card branokor immportalspecter.jpg|Immortal Specter
File:Card branokor thevulturetotem.jpg|The Vulture Totem
File:Card branokor thevultureswings.jpg|The Vulture's Wings
File:Card branokor incendiaryjars.jpg|Incendiary Jars
===The Son of Thunder===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor thesonofthunder.jpg|The Son of Thunder
File:Card branokor ibohaksskull.jpg|Ibohak's Skull
File:Card branokor thependulumofmesmerism.jpg|The Pendulum of Mesmerism
File:Card branokor thesonofthundercapacity.jpg|The Son of Thunder (Capacity)
File:Card branokor songofdayspast.jpg|Song of Days Past
File:Card branokor thunderswrath.jpg|Thunder's Wrath
File:Card branokor favorofthelongsun.jpg|Favor of the Long Sun
===Törk the Animal===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor torktheanimal.jpg|Törk the Animal
File:Card branokor rhinocharge.jpg|Rhino Charge
File:Card branokor spiritofthebuffalo.jpg|Spirit of the Buffalo
File:Card branokor thecunningofthejackal.jpg|The Cunning of the Jackal
File:Card branokor skullcrusher.jpg|Skull-Crusher
===Törk the Animal===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card branokor torktheanimal2.jpg|Törk the Animal 2nd
==Warrior Incarnates==
==Warrior Incarnates==
==Mystic Troops==
==Mystic Troops==

Revision as of 14:49, 20 November 2022

Mystic Incarnates



Tamaor the Vulture

The Son of Thunder

Törk the Animal

Törk the Animal

Warrior Incarnates

Mystic Troops

Warrior Troops
