Difference between revisions of "Cynwäll Elves Gallery"

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<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall galhyancynwallheliast.jpg|Galhyan, Cynwäll Heliast
File:Card cynwall galhyancynwallheliast.jpg|Galhyan, Cynwäll Heliast
File:Card cynwall galhyancynwallheliast2.jpg|Galhyan, Cynwäll Heliast (Art - FR)
File:Card cynwall galhyancynwallheliast2.png|Galhyan, Cynwäll Heliast (Art)
File:Card cynwall blindingflash.jpg|Blinding Flash
File:Card cynwall blindingflash.jpg|Blinding Flash
File:Card cynwall chainofautomatons.jpg|Chain of Automatons
File:Card cynwall chainofautomatons.jpg|Chain of Automatons
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File:Card cynwall galhyansmasquerade.jpg|Galhyan's Masquerade
File:Card cynwall galhyansmasquerade.jpg|Galhyan's Masquerade
File:Card cynwall solarcrown.jpg|Solar Crown
File:Card cynwall solarcrown.jpg|Solar Crown
File:Card cynwall solararmyritual.jpg|Solar Army (Ritual)
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File:Card cynwall ringofthedragoncommunion.jpg|Ring of the Dragon (Communion)
File:Card cynwall ringofthedragoncommunion.jpg|Ring of the Dragon (Communion)
==Warrior Incarnates==
==Warrior Incarnates==
===Lens Mendkenn, Echahïm===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall lensmendkennechahim.jpg|Lens Mendkenn, Echahïm
File:Card cynwall thebladesoftamdeelith.jpg|The Blades of Tamdeelith
File:Card cynwall thehelianthicstilts.jpg|The Helianthic Stilts
File:Card cynwall thecynwallechahims.jpg|The Cynwäll Echahïms
===Mehöl, Guardian of the Sphinx===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall meholguardianofthesphinx.jpg|Mehöl, Guardian of the Sphinx
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall meneran.jpg|Menerän
File:Card cynwall thedragonscale.jpg|The Dragon Scale
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall nelphaell.jpg|Nelphaëll
File:Card cynwall nelphaell2.jpg|Nelphaëll (Art)
===Syd De Kaïber===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall syddekaiber.jpg|Syd De Kaïber
File:Card cynwall syddekaiber2.jpg|Syd De Kaïber (Art - FR)
File:Card cynwall thepuppeteerstorment.jpg|The Puppeteer's Torment
File:Card cynwall thenobleechyrion.jpg|The Noble Echyrion
File:Card cynwall thedarkechyrion.jpg|The Dark Echyrion
File:Card cynwall theheroofkaiber.jpg|The Hero of Kaïber
===Sÿlann, Khidarÿm Champion===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall sylannkhidarymchampion.jpg|Sÿlann, Khidarÿm Champion
File:Card cynwall sylannkhidarymchampion2.jpg|Sÿlann, Khidarÿm Champion (Art - FR)
File:Card cynwall thecynwallkhidaryms.jpg|The Cynwäll Khidarÿms
File:Card cynwall shiraensynchronicblade.jpg|Shiraen, Synchronic Blade
File:Card cynwall thecelestialwing.jpg|The Celestial Wing
==Mystic Troops==
==Mystic Troops==
===Cynwäll Synchronïme===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall cynwallsynchronime.jpg|Cynwäll Synchronïme
File:Card cynwall thesynchronimes.jpg|The Synchronïmes
File:Card cynwall ellipse.jpg|Ellipse
File:Card cynwall desynchronization.jpg|Desynchronization
=== Equanimous Warrior===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall equanimouswarrior.jpg|Equanimous Warrior (Art)
File:Card cynwall equanimouswarrior2.jpg|Equanimous Warrior
File:Card cynwall theequanimouswarriors.jpg|The Equanimous Warriors
File:Card cynwall invisibletruth.jpg|Invisible Truth
File:Card cynwall prophetictruth.jpg|Prophetic Truth
File:Card cynwall painfultruth.jpg|Painful Truth
File:Card cynwall elusivetruth.jpg|Elusive Truth
==Warrior Troops==
==Warrior Troops==
===Cynwäll Akhamiäl===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall cynwallakhamial.jpg|Cynwäll Akhamiäl
File:Card cynwall cynwallakhamial2.png|Cynwäll Akhamiäl (Art)
File:Card cynwall thecynwallakhamials.jpg|The Cynwäll Akhamiäls
File:Card cynwall orbofclarity.jpg|Orb of Clarity
File:Card cynwall luminousstranglehold.jpg|Luminous Stranglehold
===Cynwäll Asadar===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall cynwallasadar.jpg|Cynwäll Asadar
File:Card cynwall cynwallasadar2.jpg|Cynwäll Asadar 2
===Cynwäll Azure Hunter===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall cynwallazurehunter.jpg|Cynwäll Azure Hunter
===Cynwäll Construct Warrior===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall cynwallconstructwarrior.jpg|Cynwäll Construct Warrior
File:Card cynwall luminousstranglehold.jpg|Luminous Stranglehold
===Cynwäll Dragon===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall cynwalldragon.jpg|Cynwäll Dragon
File:Card cynwall thecynwalldragons.jpg|The Cynwäll Dragons
===Cynwäll Echahïm===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall cynwallechahim.jpg|Cynwäll Echahïm
File:Card cynwall echahimcynwalls.jpg|Echahïm Cynwälls
===Cynwäll Khidarÿm===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall cynwallkhidarym.jpg|Cynwäll Khidarÿm
File:Card cynwall cynwallkhidarym2.jpg|Cynwäll Khidarÿm 2
File:Card cynwall thecynwallkhidaryms.jpg|The Cynwäll Khidarÿms
===Cynwäll Nova===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall cynwallnova.jpg|Cynwäll Nova
File:Card cynwall cynwallnova2.jpg|Cynwäll Nova (Art)
File:Card cynwall luminousstranglehold.jpg|Luminous Stranglehold
===Cynwäll Pulsar===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall cynwallpulsar.jpg|Cynwäll Pulsar
File:Card cynwall luminousstranglehold.jpg|Luminous Stranglehold
===Cynwäll Quasar===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall cynwallquasar.jpg|Cynwäll Quasar
===Cynwäll Selsÿm Veteran===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall cynwallselsymveteran.jpg|Cynwäll Selsÿm Veteran 1
File:Card cynwall cynwallselsymveteran2.jpg|Cynwäll Selsÿm Veteran 2
File:Card cynwall cynwallselsymveteran3.jpg|Cynwäll Selsÿm Veteran 3
===Cynwäll Selsÿm===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall cynwallselsym.jpg|Cynwäll Selsÿm
===Cynwäll Varsÿm===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall cynwallvarsym.jpg|Cynwäll Varsÿm
File:Card cynwall thecynwallvarsyms.jpg|The Cynwäll Varsÿms
===Cynwäll Wyrm===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall cynwallwyrm.jpg|Cynwäll Wyrm
File:Card cynwall thewyrms.jpg|The Wyrms
File:Card cynwall wingedhurricane.jpg|Winged Hurricane
File:Card cynwall wyrmbreath.jpg|Wyrm Breath
File:Card cynwall sweep.jpg|Sweep
File:Card cynwall roar.jpg|Roar
===Selsÿm Kestrel===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall selsymkestrel.jpg|Selsÿm Kestrel
===Selsÿm Musician===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall selsymmusician.jpg|Selsÿm Musician
===Selsÿm Standard Bearer===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall selsymstandardbearer.jpg|Selsÿm Standard Bearer
===Truth Warrior===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall truthwarrior.jpg|Truth Warrior
===Varsÿm Killer===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall varsymkiller.jpg|Varsÿm Killer
===The Cynwall Ways Card Pack===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall thecynwallwayscover.jpg|The Cynwäll Ways Cover
File:Card cynwall thecynwallways.jpg|The Cynwäll Ways
File:Card cynwall thecynwallwaysback.jpg|The Cynwäll Ways (back)
File:Card cynwall waythearmyoftherepublic.jpg|Way: The Army of the Republic
File:Card cynwall waythebladeoftruth.jpg|Way: The Blade of Truth
File:Card cynwall waythebladeoftruthback.jpg|Way: The Blade of Truth (back)
File:Card cynwall waytheelderslegacy.jpg|Way: The Elder's Legacy
File:Card cynwall waytheequanimemonasteries.jpg|Way: The Equanime Monasteries
File:Card cynwall waythelightdragon.jpg|Way: The Light Dragon
File:Card cynwall waythewayofthetrihedron.jpg|Way: The Way of the Trihedron
File:Card cynwall waythewayofthetrihedronback.jpg|Way: The Way of the Trihedron (back)
File:Card cynwall lethalvision.jpg|Lethal Vision
File:Card cynwall draconicpact.jpg|Draconic Pact
File:Card cynwall theaureatecrown.png|The Aureate Crown
File:Card cynwall theaureatecrownback.jpg| The Aureate Crown (back)
===Cry Havoc Vol 5===
<gallery widths="300px" heights="300px" mode="packed-hover">
File:Card cynwall themiragyre.jpg|The Miragyre
Cynwäll Khidarÿms were misprinted in English, their AIM icon was blacked out. It has been corrected by The Second Erratum team.
Cynwäll Nova 2 is missing in English. A temporary English card has been made by TSE.


Latest revision as of 17:05, 29 October 2022

Mystic Incarnates

Galhyan, Cynwäll Heliast


Nalkyr Maloth, Initiate Dragon

Soïm, Equanimous Warrior

Warrior Incarnates

Lens Mendkenn, Echahïm

Mehöl, Guardian of the Sphinx



Syd De Kaïber

Sÿlann, Khidarÿm Champion

Mystic Troops

Cynwäll Synchronïme

Equanimous Warrior

Warrior Troops

Cynwäll Akhamiäl

Cynwäll Asadar

Cynwäll Azure Hunter

Cynwäll Construct Warrior

Cynwäll Dragon

Cynwäll Echahïm

Cynwäll Khidarÿm

Cynwäll Nova

Cynwäll Pulsar

Cynwäll Quasar

Cynwäll Selsÿm Veteran

Cynwäll Selsÿm

Cynwäll Varsÿm

Cynwäll Wyrm

Selsÿm Kestrel

Selsÿm Musician

Selsÿm Standard Bearer

Truth Warrior

Varsÿm Killer


The Cynwall Ways Card Pack

Cry Havoc Vol 5


Cynwäll Khidarÿms were misprinted in English, their AIM icon was blacked out. It has been corrected by The Second Erratum team.

Cynwäll Nova 2 is missing in English. A temporary English card has been made by TSE.