Anthemis Treatment

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"After several weeks of research, development, and testing, I have managed to synthesize the Anthemis gene. Attached to this parchment you will find a few samples of human tissue modified by this process and the formula needed for the elaboration of this treatment. By implanting small doses under the subject's skin, its thirst for blood is increased tenfold, but its reaction time becomes abnormally long. The experiments that I have made show that this side effect cannot be neutralized."

Anthemis Treatment

- Report 15-2112-S by Hebin Saarn

Furious Sasia Samaris threw the parchment to the other side of the room. The project that was taken from her was given to an incompetent fool! Only a few more weeks would have been enough for her to finish and to neutralize this slowing of the cells. Alas, her creator had decided otherwise and her desires were of little value in the eyes of the True-Born.

Using the Anthemis Treatment must be announced at the very beginning of a round. Until the end of this round, the fighter benefiting from it gains the War Fury ability. However, he must make his Attacks after those of his adversaries, no matter the result of the Initiative Roll.

Any Dirz figurine having the Mutagenic ability may receive the Anthemis Treatment. Only one Anthemis Treatment may be given for every 50 A.P., even incomplete present in the army.

Cost: 3 AP